The legal framework governing exemptions from BCA standards for fire safety building work is outlined in Section 74 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021. This section empowers individuals or entities to object to a specified provision of the Building Code of Australia pertaining to the operational performance of a relevant fire safety system.
Our dedicated team will work closely with you to understand your specific circumstances, review the applicable regulations, and prepare a comprehensive objection letter that addresses the grounds for objection. We ensure that your objection letter adheres to the requirements outlined in the law, including specifying the objection grounds and providing supporting documentation such as building work plans and specifications.
Our experienced professionals will guide you through each step of the process, leveraging our expertise in fire safety building work and knowledge of the law to maximize the chances of a successful exemption. We understand the importance of non-compliance not compromising the operational performance of relevant fire safety systems, and we collaborate with accredited practitioners (fire safety) to endorse any necessary non-compliance.
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